Thursday, December 24, 2009

So Here They Are...

Since I begged for help on pics in my last post, I feel like it's only fair if I then show you how they turned out. Not half as exciting or cute as those in pjs below, but hey - they're good for framing and sending to the parentals. Just wish I could subtract 20 lbs from my body before doing so... but oh well :)

Friday, December 18, 2009


Both Patrick's parents have requested photos of us for Christmas... which we have none of. :( It just so happened that I sent Sarah a panicked message asking if she'd be in town and available sometime soon to help us out - and she is! So, Sunday afternoon we are going to take some Barton family photos.

Photos aren't really my thing, which is why we have minimal photos of ourselves (with the exception of our wedding). So, I know my followers (aka Caroline and Melissa) have lots of cute, creative pics! I need some cute ideas as to something we can do! Can you help me out?

I saw these photos on a friend's facebook page and died a little inside! Have you EVER seen anything THIS cute?!?! ...I'm jealous I'm not a gorgeous blonde with a cutie-patootie little baby... and full of creative photo ideas! What other cute Christmas pic ideas do yall have? :) We hope to include Pup too, if he'll cooperate!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jesus was a Baby

I've been teaching the toddlers at church for a while now... multiple years actually... and suddenly the little story we teach each week of December finally sank in with me! Our theme for Decemeber is always "Jesus was a baby," but not til recently have I ever fully understood what that means and why it is significant.

Of course, to you scholars - its obvious. For little children, it's important for them to know that Jesus was right where they are now. He was a baby, just like they are. He was learning how to walk and talk, and eat "grown up" food and count to 10 ... all of that! But for me, its something different completely.

I think my new realization occurred slowly over the past few weeks. It started as a brand new appreciation for the Christmas season. I dont recall ever truly enjoying the Christmas season. Yes, as a kid, I remember being excited about Christmas as it got closer and closer each year, but that was driven by selfish ambition, not a love for this time of year. As I slowly started enjoying the smell of Christmas trees, lights on houses, Christmas decorations, baking cookies, I finally started to enjoy Christmas songs (which I have always deeply despised for some unknown reason).

As my affection for Christmas songs grew, I started listening to Christmas stations in the car and created Christmas playlists while at work to enjoy! With my increasing exposure and enjoyment of Christmas songs, I slowly began to actually listen to the words I've had memorized for decades. To my amazement, there are so many awesome lyrics! Songs that praise God and songs that describe the wonder of Christ's birth.

Of all the songs that have suddenly meant so much to me, two have really touched my heart this year. The first of these being "Away in a Manger." I always thought this was a "kiddy" song, like the A,B,C's or something, but after hearing a beautiful redition on 88.1, I carefully listened to each word and was touched by the simplicity of love portrayed in this song. Although this song is easy enough for a child to learn, its meaning is far more complex. In my mind, it has become a song a mother sings over her child. A song a little child sings to the Lord with the utmost love and innocence. A song I can sing to regain the faith like a child and as a prayer for my un-born babies as well as the children around the world in need.

The second being "Mary, Did You Know." I've always liked this song, mostly because it comes from such a different perspective than the majority of Christmas songs. These lines in particular have really touched my heart as I am thinking of the day I will have my own baby in my arms.

When you kiss your little baby, You've kissed the face of God.
Did you know, That your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding, Is the Great I Am

Seems like this song could really be sung for any precious little baby. All are such a gift from God and when they're so little and new, it's almost as though they've come straight from God's arms in Heaven to yours. I can imagine being a mother, looking down at my new baby, praying that this child becomes a servant and lover of God. In Mary's case, she knew he would be. It must have been so overwhelming to sit holding Jesus, knowing he will be the Great I Am. Talk about pride! Mary must have been bursting with pride and honor and respect at this little tiny baby - knowing all He'd become!

My challenge to you is take time to listen and enjoy this holiday season, outside of the hustle-and-bustle and all the shopping and wrapping. Don't let familiarity become a mental stumbling block, as it was for me. Listen with new ears to all the songs of the season. Sing along, not in blind recitation, but rather heartfelt praise to the Lord!

Jesus was a baby! He was Mary's little baby... And he's saved us all!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Just HAD To!

Dont you just love reading old emails, letters, anything from your loved ones?

Patrick mentioned to me the other day that his old FSU email was now gone. Apparently, after you've graduated and some allotment of time has passed, FSU takes away your student email address. Instantly I freaked out, knowing there's some great emails between my love and I in that old inbox. So I HAD to go find them before mine disappears too!

Here are some of the sweetnesses my love sent to me WAY back. Just wanted to at least have them in a place that was personal where I could save them. I know you're probably thinking, "Why didnt she just print these out and save us all the icky love stuff?" Well, I know if I did that, they'd all just get lost eventually. Electronic storage is truly the most efficient and green way of storing keepsakes! :)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Hey, I just wanted to say hi and give you a little somethin, somethin to read. I love you and miss you so much. I can't wait to see you in New York. It's not that I don't enjoy seeing my family but when I wake
up in the morning I think "well It's only 9:30 so I guess I'll just go back to sleep." When you are with me, I wake up at like 6am and wait till 9:30 (letting you sleep in) to run in and cuttle you. I guess what I'm saying is that it is the greatest thing in the world waking up in the same house as you(even better, next to you). I miss being around you, its not the same over the phone. I like to look for your opinion and to share a laugh, plus your a hottie so you just nice to sit next to. I love you.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Dear the love of my life,

I miss you already. We have been talking about you and how much you like the gifts and letters from my mom. Starr is super cute. She definatly has more maltice (SP?) in her than anything else. You would be all about her and her white fluffiness. Anyways, I love you a lot and I am really excited to see you in NY. We are going to have a great time full of snow(maybe) and hot tubing, and champagne, and good food. I love you! I'm going to call you now.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You. I don't think I can say it enough. As soon as i got off the phone with you tonight, Dwight said, "what was that all about." I said that was Kelley, and he responded, "how long have you been together," and I said 5 months on dec 24th. Both him and everyone else I've seen has said, do you love her? and without any hesitation I respond yes. "Well is she the one?," "I love this girl, she couldn't do anything wrong in my book. I Love her." You are so special to me and I want you to know that. I want you to go through every second of your life knowing that I am there for you and that I want to be with you. You are the most special girl that I have ever met and I can't
wait to hold you in my arms. I hope this carries as much meaning as I am feeling right now, to make you feel like the most special girl in the world. That is exactly what you deserve and I wouldn't give you any less.

I Love You more than anything I can imagine,
Patrick (Pookie Pie) Barton

Friday, August 26, 2005

Hey, I just wanted to give you something to read before you leave for the wedding today. I had a great time last night at your Dad's house. Although it might not seem like it, I do enjoy hanging out with your family. I had a lot of laughs and now feel much more comfortable about going to the wedding. I hope that you have a good time in St. George and I already can't wait to see you on Saturday. I should be ok though cause I'm going to see you in a few minutes after I finish this e-mail. I'll try not to start missing you until you actually leave. Anyway It means a lot to be involved with the whole wedding experience and I'm glad that you want me to be there.

<3 P       A        T               R          I                 C                   K

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Honest Confession...

Somehow in my daily Googling antics, I stumbled across a cute and interesting blog. I read the latest post, chuckled a bit, and thought to myself, "Wow! This girl seems so much like me!" Over the next few days, the blog stuck with me. A few days later, I found myself searching it out again. When I returned to the page and read her latest post, I again beamed with excitement in seemingly find my mental "twin."

Crazy, I know... But for weeks now, I've been following this girl's personal blog. She writes of her family and friends and always has a pleasant tone in her writing. I even recently found out she's preggo with twins! How exciting! She's just so cute! She also frequently embeds scripture verses along with her posts! I love it! So, I took the leap.......... and "Followed" her, knowing full-well she has no idea who I am.

I remember going home that day and announcing to Patrick that I have a new best friend. One I've never met or talked to and one that has no idea I exist either. Very strange.... but so exciting and adventurous at the same time! Too bad she's a girl and I'm married... seems like a wonderfully romantic way to meet someone - although, I've never met her, nor said a word... so I suppose it doesnt really get you that far. But doesnt it just seem like a perfect lil romantic movie setting?!

I have to confess that I love reading her blogs and feeling like I'm one of her close friends. Oh the fictious way social networks have of making you feel like a close personal friend to those who you'ven never spoken to or seen. I kinda feel like a stalker, but it's harmless, right? :)

So, in the spirit of stalker love - here's a true love story about a couple who met and fell in love thanks to Flickr. Apparently the couple had never met but found that their photos posted on Flickr had striking similarities. They began photoshopping themselves into the other's pictures to make it appear as if they were physically together during the photoshoot, but in actuality the photos were taken at 2 different places across the world! One in England and the other in North Carolina! How crazy is that?!? So... long story short - they start chatting and getting to know each other more and more as time goes on. Eventually they decide to meet up. They fall in love and now spend their time creating cool photos from the SAME place!

Check it out for yourself! Really cool photos, especially considering each was re-created from the other side of the world then photoshopped in! Click here for the full news story-
All their photoshopped creations can be seen here -

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's Time...

I think it's time for something new.

I'm not sure what that means exactly right now, but I feel a burden on my heart that that is true. Once I figure it out, I'll be sure to share :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

10 Things You May Not Know...

  1. I love Buffalo sauce, especially with Ranch dressing!
  2. I hate bananas.
  3. I've never broken a bone, got stitches, had braces, or glasses.
  4. I can't watch scary movies.
  5. I kinda scared of cats.
  6. I listen to Colbie Caillat almost everyday.
  7. I've never liked barbeque.
  8. My newest obsession is bracelets.
  9. I miss deciding "What am I going to do today" in the morning.
  10. I think Audrina is goregous - regardless of how many people make fun of her over-Crest-white striped teeth.

Tada! 10 new things you didnt know... I'll leave you with my new favorite website (when I need a good laugh) -

I have to warn you - some of the things on this site are adult humor, but still hilarious none-the-less.

<3 K

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's for Lunch?

Not many know (done purposefully to protect myself from questions and fear of failure) that I recently started a series of "get fit" lifestyle changes. For example, I joined a gym back in August and have done well working out 4-5 times a week. In September, I also joined up with a training at the gym to help me achieve my fitness goals. In October, I joined Weight Watchers at work to try to reign in my diet....

You may be thinking, wow - she can't stick with anything! But I'm very proud to announce that over the past 3 months, I've continued each aspect of my "get fit" lifestyle while adding in new challenges. At this point, a few pounds have come off, but nothing like the goal I had in mind. Even so, I'm proud of myself for keeping it up for 3 months! I'm trying to take it one day at a time, knowing I'm setting myself up for success if I'm not setting myself behind! I also keep reminding myself, nothing good will come if I'm not trying. So, if I'm at least trying, then I've already won half the battle!

Of course, I have slip ups but I believe I've really done well. I'm constantly in prayer - for mental, physical, and spiritual growth. I know God can do all things and wants the best for me. So why wouldn't He be able to empower me to do more than I ever could have imagined? Working out has also given me the opportunity to walk in God in a literal sense. God is the ultimate work partner! He nevers cuts you down or shows up late! God is so awesome!

So, here comes the hard part.... I'm starving!!!! Weight Watchers is really hard! With all the working out I'm doing and all the not-eating Weight Watchers enforces, I'm just plain and simple hungry. So at this time of day, all I can think about is what's for lunch?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Here's the big Question...

For the past 15 months, I've gotten the same question... over and over and over again. So, in hopes of squashing all the wonderment in one fell swoop - here it is.

When are we having a baby? ...One day :)

Is it just me or does everyone these days either have a baby or have one on the way? While all our friends and family are busy building their families one baby at a time, we are just living in the now. Our hearts desire is to live according to God's plan for our lives, knowing He knows exactly what is best for us. We are praying for God to show us His perfect will in all areas, especially this one. He is so outrageously good to us and we want His timing and His will for our lives, because it is PERFECT.

I am SO excited... elated even, for our future and all the babies to come. Patrick is going to be the most awesome daddy and we will love those babies like crazy. Right now, I'm relishing the present: me, my wonderful hubby, and my puppy. I cherish this time that we have together before babies come. Being happy where I am in life right now is a comforting feeling. Thank you for that peace, Lord.

In the meantime, we have so enjoyed getting to know and spend time with all our friends and family who have children. We've had the privilege to watch and hold and love all our neices and nephews from that first day in the hospital to now. We've enjoyed being a small part of their lives more than anyone could know. We are so in love with each of these little ones, their different personalities, and unique attributes that make them special. We look forward to the day when we can hold our own precious little one with the most excitement and enthusiam one could imagine.

If you want to help us in our journey, please pray for us. Pray that the Lord will lead us according to His purpose and maybe one day bless us with the joy of a child.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Insightful Words...

I recently purchased a new cd ... (I know! No one does that anymore!) Anyway, I bought the new Colbie Caillat cd and after listening the typical 3-5 times for me to start recognizing and truly enjoying the songs, I realized she has some very insightful lyrics.

Here's my favorite blurb from the song titled "I won't":

"You say it's easier to burn than to build.
You say its easier to hurt than to heal."

I was blown away by the simplicity and truth of that statement. Isn't it so much easier to cut your looses in life and run, than to labor to rebuild a broken relationship?! I think back to all the times I've done just that in my life... my instincts always tell me to jet as soon as there is any glimpse of hurt, pain, discomfort, or inconvenience.

Digging a little deeper into my own thoughts, I find that the relationships I have labored and strived to rebuild become far more meaningful than those which have always been cut-and-dry from the start. Just knowing the relationship was restored through sincere diligence and perservance casts an air of cultivation. Although, it is certainly easier to enjoy the simplicity of uncomplicated living, after a while, you've gotta ask yourself, "When will I grow?"

Anyone can love someone who loves them back, but how many of us can continue to love someone who no longer deserves it or wants it? How many of us can actually orchestrate the complex variables involved to rebuild broken relationships? Strategically moving the chess pieces to avoid further hurt and begin the healing process. It's an emotional science.

Starting something new is easy... its simple, black and white, uncomplicated. But when there's heavy baggage, aged hurt and pain, you cant just start over - you have to start from where you left off. And usually the ending point, is the messiest point...

All this circles back around and reminds me of Romans 5:6. It explains, "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

It's mind boggling to think that Jesus loved me even when I hated Him, when I wanted nothing to do with Him, when I wanted to do exactly what He told me not too. How can anyone sustain love for someone with a mindset like that? ...I have no clue, but I do know that I feel so unworthy and shamed to know that was once me and that He was always with me, even then. He knew my every thought and every action  and yet loves me just the same! What an example of true love!

Jesus is the only source of never-ending, never-ceasing - never pausing while we fix our attitudes -  love. He is the only one who can take a person crumbled and destroyed and rebuild something completely beautiful from it! We are all beautiful mosaics of broken pieces in the Lord's eyes! How amazing!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I jumped on the band-wagon today and joined Twitter! Had alot of fun doing it actually.... I found all kinds of great celebrities to follow! Now, I can take my stalker-tendencies to another level! haha!

Click here to join too!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Isnt it a shame when we let indecision rule our lives?
... I'm constantly fighting indecisiveness to do the simplest tasks.

All morning it's been a battle of this or that. I cant imagine the extra time I'd find in my day, if I just confidently decided and continued.

Even now, trying to create and name my blog - what a meaningless task! Yet, nevertheless, I cannot just choose a name. I'm thinking and editing and deleting and adding.

Oh, the paralyzing burden of indecision!