Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Insightful Words...

I recently purchased a new cd ... (I know! No one does that anymore!) Anyway, I bought the new Colbie Caillat cd and after listening the typical 3-5 times for me to start recognizing and truly enjoying the songs, I realized she has some very insightful lyrics.

Here's my favorite blurb from the song titled "I won't":

"You say it's easier to burn than to build.
You say its easier to hurt than to heal."

I was blown away by the simplicity and truth of that statement. Isn't it so much easier to cut your looses in life and run, than to labor to rebuild a broken relationship?! I think back to all the times I've done just that in my life... my instincts always tell me to jet as soon as there is any glimpse of hurt, pain, discomfort, or inconvenience.

Digging a little deeper into my own thoughts, I find that the relationships I have labored and strived to rebuild become far more meaningful than those which have always been cut-and-dry from the start. Just knowing the relationship was restored through sincere diligence and perservance casts an air of cultivation. Although, it is certainly easier to enjoy the simplicity of uncomplicated living, after a while, you've gotta ask yourself, "When will I grow?"

Anyone can love someone who loves them back, but how many of us can continue to love someone who no longer deserves it or wants it? How many of us can actually orchestrate the complex variables involved to rebuild broken relationships? Strategically moving the chess pieces to avoid further hurt and begin the healing process. It's an emotional science.

Starting something new is easy... its simple, black and white, uncomplicated. But when there's heavy baggage, aged hurt and pain, you cant just start over - you have to start from where you left off. And usually the ending point, is the messiest point...

All this circles back around and reminds me of Romans 5:6. It explains, "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

It's mind boggling to think that Jesus loved me even when I hated Him, when I wanted nothing to do with Him, when I wanted to do exactly what He told me not too. How can anyone sustain love for someone with a mindset like that? ...I have no clue, but I do know that I feel so unworthy and shamed to know that was once me and that He was always with me, even then. He knew my every thought and every action  and yet loves me just the same! What an example of true love!

Jesus is the only source of never-ending, never-ceasing - never pausing while we fix our attitudes -  love. He is the only one who can take a person crumbled and destroyed and rebuild something completely beautiful from it! We are all beautiful mosaics of broken pieces in the Lord's eyes! How amazing!


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