Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Heart for the Hurting

Read this article today that blew my mind and melted my heart:


Then, in early 2010, Dan and I learned about a facility in the East African country of Uganda, called “M.”

M is a prison for children.

Yes, you read that correctly. A prison for children.

Fewer than 5% of all children in the main M facility are true delinquents. For the most part, their crime is this- they’re  simply unwanted. They’re street beggars who have been rounded up by the police– because they “make the city unsightly with all their begging”. They’re handicapped and mentally disabled orphans who no one wants and no orphanage will accept. They’re step-children who have been dropped off by a new step-parent, eager to rid their home of “ old blood.” They’re refugees who have fled war-torn countries in Africa.

Read more here.

If you're even remotely moved by the injustice and desperation happening to children in Uganda, please visit the Sixty Feet organization. Read their blog, find out more about their organization, and help if you can! I know I will!


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