Monday morning I have another doctor's appointment with our specialist where he'll do another ultrasound to check on her status. We haven't seen our little girl for 6 weeks now and I'm anxious to see her swimming around in her little bubble again and to taken in how much she's grown since our last appointment.
To add to the excitement, I registered yesterday at Target and Babies R Us. I only had time to do a quick list online, but it was still fun picking out all her baby stuff; although I was seriously perplexed at some of the items. There are so many weird things these days. These sites "recommended" some of the strangest items to me as I was registering... I honestly had no clue what some of them were! Like... sheet savers, piddle pads, (is there really THIS much pee!?!), non-staining drops, breast milk (ice cube) trays (why do we want breast milk ice again?), nipple shield (shield from what?!), booby tubes... what are these crazy things?!
Yall should see some the pictures to go with these things too!
All I can say is "Oh, Lord...."See for yourselves!
...Bet that was an awkward photo shoot.
Breast milk ice.... why???
Who wears a cowboy when they nurse?.... SERIOUSLY!!!
Am I the only one who thinks this picture is a little freaky?
I guess Asian hookers nurse too - small world?