Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My 1st Mother's Day

I remember last year on Mother's Day sitting among the crowd at church while the pastor asked all the mothers to stand for a round of applause and appreciation. I remember hanging my head and tears filling my eyes as I remained seated while the room exploded with cheers for the many mothers surrounding me. I remember feeling like the only childless woman in the room. I remember feeling a deep longing for a child of my own for months and months preceeding this day, reaching its emotional peak as the purpose of this day was bought so vividly to my attention. I remember sobbing in prayer for God to grant me a child several times a day. I remember thinking, hoping that maybe I was pregnant right then as I sat in my lonely seat at church...

This year, I remember smiling down at my precious little baby in my arms and thinking, "We prayed for this child and the Lord has granted us what we asked of Him." (1 Sam. 1:27) This year, I remember feeling overcome with thankfulness for the fullness of new life in my life.

No gifts needed on my first Mother's Day; she is all the gift I need! It is such a joy to be a mother. I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have this precious little girl!

Monday, May 2, 2011

17 Weeks & Counting

Lyla is now 17 weeks old and doing wonderfully. She's an absolute joy We feel so incredibly blessed and thankful for her sweetness in our lives.

Ly visited the doctor today for her 4 month checkup, so we've got fresh stats -
Weight: 13 lbs, 7 oz
Length: 24 1/4 in

{Here are just some of the new things our Ly is up to these days:}

  • Holding her head and neck up well
  • Sitting up very well when supported and getting closer and closer to being able to sit on her own
  • Rolled over twice last week, although she hasn't again since
  • Laughed for the first time on Thursday - it was so precious... hasn't again since, but her Daddy and I are both working hard to change that!
  • Grasping toys with a firm grip. She especially loves a blue monkey with long, skinny arms and legs that the Hills gave us
  • Finds her tongue endlessly amusing
  • Thoroughly enjoys a warm bath with bubbles. She's even started splashing during bath, so I suppose we'll be moving her from the kitchen sink to the bathroom tub very soon
  • Finally moved from newborn sized clothes into 3 month sizes!
  • No longer wants to be held like a baby
  • Has mastered the art of breaking out of any swaddle, no matter how tightly wound or velcro'ed
  • Now has plenty of rolls on adorable chubby lil thighs
  • Loves sucking her hands, especially loves squeezing her whole fist in her mouth
  • Sleeping through the night, usually 9pm - 9am. Still needs a little help finding her pacy and staying asleep through the night, but we're working on that
  • Starting to reach out towards us to be held
  • Loves to "talk" and equally loves being talked to
  • Finds having her feet kissed hilarious
  • Grins from ear to ear when she's sleepy
  • Enjoys going out to lunch, still not very fond of the mall
  • Spends Tues & Thurs with the James' and has adjusted seemlessly. She enjoys the endless attention of those 2 sweet boys
  • Completely seems to have her Daddy's personality - reserved, even-tempered, goes-with-the-flow, loves to be at home in a tshirt

For your viewing pleasure, here's our sweet girl
(all from my phone, so they're slightly grainy... sorry)