Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Does that make me Crazy?

I find I am asking this question alot of myself these days. Thought the blog world might get a kick out of these.

  • Reading tragically sad blogs then trying to fight back my own tears.
  • Always having Burts Bees ready for constant application
  • Trying to find shapes in the speckled bathroom stall doors
  • Rationing my daily Diet Coke intake by enforcing the water separation rule (each Diet Coke must be separated by a equal size cup of water)
  • Shunning people who do not wash their hands in the bathroom
  • Constantly feeling the urge to whiten to my teeth
  • Trying to ween myself from using a straw with every beverage I drink (heard frequent use of plastic straws is linked to Austim in small child and can negatively affect brain function)
  • Re-writing my notes if I dont like how my handwriting looks

That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure after this - I'll think of plenty of other strange characteristics.

Tell me - what makes you wonder, "Does that make me crazy?"

In honor of today's topic -

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Favorite Things

Today, these are some of the things that are bringing me joy!
1. I've found a some great new thoughtful, up-lifting Christian music thanks to Pandora! I'm dying to buy these "new to me" artists. Check them out. I'm certain they'll lift your spirit too and have you focusing on the Lord all day long!

  • Sara Groves (Songs filled with pure emotion and smart lyrics. My fav - "Awakening")
  • Alli Rogers (Sweet, heartfelt songs from a young artist)
  • Watermark (Husband and wife group with an interesting start up story)
  • David Nevue (cool classical music. Who woulda thought I'd like that? But he's a great piano player!)

2. Sunny days make everything happier. I dont know how all these Northerns buried in snow do it?! Patrick's cousin posted these CRAZY pictures on FB of the snow they're getting! This is her daughter standing next to their sliding back door! Snow's about 2 - 3ft high!!! Scary, yet Amazing!

But the view from work sure is a whole lot nicer on sunny days!

And because I have no window, I have to settle for this view - But at least its sunny in her office! :)

3. LOST is back! Woo hoo! There are some great shows on right now! (The always dramatic "Bachelor," "Modern Family/The Middle," "Keeping up with the Kardashians"... must I go on?) I cant seem to pull myself away from the TV even to start my new book... which leads me to #4.

4. My new author find - Emily Giffin! I love her stuff. She's got a few really great books out right now... all with similar pastel-colored covers (you might have spotted them). They're real life stories, smart and introspective, with drama to spare! I've been flying through these books and cant wait to start this one. I've got to admit, I've been avoiding her first 2 books because they seem to be centered around weddings/engagements and I'm feeling pretty wedding-out these days,  but now I've read all the others, so I have to brave these too now... :)

5. Lyrics that hit my heart. I cant even tell you how many songs seem to be written from MY heart. It's so amazing to be able to sing a song to the Lord that really captivates my spiritual state! Here's the most recent lyrics to nail my heart.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Completely Confused

This past week has been nothing short of unimaginably difficult and completely confusing. I feel as though I've been battling myself for days. I remember when I lived at home, my mom would tell me in times like these that I just needed some B-12, but that never seemed to help back then and I doubt it will now.

It's the funniest thing... all these emotions and thoughts spinning in my head, yet I cant articulate any of them. I'm spinning endlessly in those tea cups I hate at Disney... dizzy... nauseous... trapped... panicking - When will this end?!

All of this trickled into last night's first home group meeting. As expected, it was uncomfortable and awkward... but with all of this discomfort on inside too, it was nearly explosive. I assume this will become a good thing one day and that I'll get to a better place and start to enjoy these meetings, but for now... I refuse to put myself into any situations which facilitate introspection for fear of completely falling apart.

One thing that has stuck with me since last night is the encouragement we received to begin a prayer journal, mostly for the purpose of tracking prayers to see how God has worked in your life and answered prayers. Honestly, I cant wait to start mine! I already bought a little notebook just for this purpose. I can see this giving my spinning tea cup mind a method to leak... helping me to get these thoughts and emotions out of my head, onto the paper, and into the hands of God.

Maybe this is something that could be of use to you too?