Tuesday, November 9, 2010

31 Week Update

Here's a quick update since I haven't posted in a while:

  • All's going well and Baby's growing fast. She's just over 3lbs now! Keep working on those cubby cheeks, girl!

  • Doctor has agreed to do a scheduled induction (not necessarily a C-section, just the induction) to allow my medications to be controlled during the birthing process.

  • This means Baby could be here in just 7 WEEKS! The induction date will most likely be in the range of Dec 28th - 31st. We'll know more specifics at the beginning of December.

  • Patrick and I just graduated from Child & Infant CPR, although he's really showed me up in the class! He's so much better at the whole technique than I am. If we ever have to use this information, I sure hope he's around. 

  • We start child birth classes next Tuesday and my wonderful husband has actually agreed to go with me - at least in the beginning or until he cant take it anymore. It may be traumatizing; it may be informative - not sure. I've heard mixed reviews, but we'll see for ourselves very soon and hopefully learn a few things rather than leave with disgusted, shocked, panicked looks on our faces.

  • Baby's room is coming together! Patrick finished painting the dresser and it looks really great. Now, we just need all those little extras to pull it all together. And that's the extra fun part! Shopping... here I come! :)

  • I think we're getting closer and closer to finally deciding on a name too. At this point, I'm hesitant to give too many details, though, since I'm still so impressionable. :) So, just hang in there a little longer.