Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My 1st Mother's Day

I remember last year on Mother's Day sitting among the crowd at church while the pastor asked all the mothers to stand for a round of applause and appreciation. I remember hanging my head and tears filling my eyes as I remained seated while the room exploded with cheers for the many mothers surrounding me. I remember feeling like the only childless woman in the room. I remember feeling a deep longing for a child of my own for months and months preceeding this day, reaching its emotional peak as the purpose of this day was bought so vividly to my attention. I remember sobbing in prayer for God to grant me a child several times a day. I remember thinking, hoping that maybe I was pregnant right then as I sat in my lonely seat at church...

This year, I remember smiling down at my precious little baby in my arms and thinking, "We prayed for this child and the Lord has granted us what we asked of Him." (1 Sam. 1:27) This year, I remember feeling overcome with thankfulness for the fullness of new life in my life.

No gifts needed on my first Mother's Day; she is all the gift I need! It is such a joy to be a mother. I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have this precious little girl!


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