Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Here's the big Question...

For the past 15 months, I've gotten the same question... over and over and over again. So, in hopes of squashing all the wonderment in one fell swoop - here it is.

When are we having a baby? ...One day :)

Is it just me or does everyone these days either have a baby or have one on the way? While all our friends and family are busy building their families one baby at a time, we are just living in the now. Our hearts desire is to live according to God's plan for our lives, knowing He knows exactly what is best for us. We are praying for God to show us His perfect will in all areas, especially this one. He is so outrageously good to us and we want His timing and His will for our lives, because it is PERFECT.

I am SO excited... elated even, for our future and all the babies to come. Patrick is going to be the most awesome daddy and we will love those babies like crazy. Right now, I'm relishing the present: me, my wonderful hubby, and my puppy. I cherish this time that we have together before babies come. Being happy where I am in life right now is a comforting feeling. Thank you for that peace, Lord.

In the meantime, we have so enjoyed getting to know and spend time with all our friends and family who have children. We've had the privilege to watch and hold and love all our neices and nephews from that first day in the hospital to now. We've enjoyed being a small part of their lives more than anyone could know. We are so in love with each of these little ones, their different personalities, and unique attributes that make them special. We look forward to the day when we can hold our own precious little one with the most excitement and enthusiam one could imagine.

If you want to help us in our journey, please pray for us. Pray that the Lord will lead us according to His purpose and maybe one day bless us with the joy of a child.


carO__ said...

Kelley, I think thats a great idea! God knows the perfect plan and if Pup is your baby for the next 5 years then so be it! I'll be very excited for you two to have kids and it would be even more exciting if we all had babies around the same time!

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