Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's Time...

I think it's time for something new.

I'm not sure what that means exactly right now, but I feel a burden on my heart that that is true. Once I figure it out, I'll be sure to share :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

10 Things You May Not Know...

  1. I love Buffalo sauce, especially with Ranch dressing!
  2. I hate bananas.
  3. I've never broken a bone, got stitches, had braces, or glasses.
  4. I can't watch scary movies.
  5. I kinda scared of cats.
  6. I listen to Colbie Caillat almost everyday.
  7. I've never liked barbeque.
  8. My newest obsession is bracelets.
  9. I miss deciding "What am I going to do today" in the morning.
  10. I think Audrina is goregous - regardless of how many people make fun of her over-Crest-white striped teeth.

Tada! 10 new things you didnt know... I'll leave you with my new favorite website (when I need a good laugh) -

I have to warn you - some of the things on this site are adult humor, but still hilarious none-the-less.

<3 K

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's for Lunch?

Not many know (done purposefully to protect myself from questions and fear of failure) that I recently started a series of "get fit" lifestyle changes. For example, I joined a gym back in August and have done well working out 4-5 times a week. In September, I also joined up with a training at the gym to help me achieve my fitness goals. In October, I joined Weight Watchers at work to try to reign in my diet....

You may be thinking, wow - she can't stick with anything! But I'm very proud to announce that over the past 3 months, I've continued each aspect of my "get fit" lifestyle while adding in new challenges. At this point, a few pounds have come off, but nothing like the goal I had in mind. Even so, I'm proud of myself for keeping it up for 3 months! I'm trying to take it one day at a time, knowing I'm setting myself up for success if I'm not setting myself behind! I also keep reminding myself, nothing good will come if I'm not trying. So, if I'm at least trying, then I've already won half the battle!

Of course, I have slip ups but I believe I've really done well. I'm constantly in prayer - for mental, physical, and spiritual growth. I know God can do all things and wants the best for me. So why wouldn't He be able to empower me to do more than I ever could have imagined? Working out has also given me the opportunity to walk in God in a literal sense. God is the ultimate work partner! He nevers cuts you down or shows up late! God is so awesome!

So, here comes the hard part.... I'm starving!!!! Weight Watchers is really hard! With all the working out I'm doing and all the not-eating Weight Watchers enforces, I'm just plain and simple hungry. So at this time of day, all I can think about is what's for lunch?

Friday, October 16, 2009